The most important values of MNG Faktoring are the employees ...

    MNG Faktoring Inc. strives to continually improve and develop its human resources management, knowing that qualified manpower in the finance sector is of strategic importance.


The company's human resources policy aims to continuously improve individual and team performance through quality-enhancing processes and systems and to offer career development opportunities for the most effective and efficient use of existing human resources.

We Care For Our Employees 

Knowing that the most important asset is human resource, MNG Faktoring has made it a principle to recruit qualified manpower and to provide them with an environment of effective communication and motivation through the strategic role of the Human Resources department.

Our Human Resources department carries out its human resources programs in line with the objectives of MNG Faktoring.


  • Human-oriented
  • Continuous Development
  • Innovation
  • Relation of Trust
  • High-quality Services


We ensure that our experienced and qualified employees work with our young recruits to find and develop the leaders of the future and enjoy mutual benefits, with the aim of achieving groundbreaking innovation and creativity.

Open positions for new colleagues to add value to MNG Faktoring:

Distribution of employee profiles signed under MNG Faktoring achievements:

Our company supports employees on their career path by combining their areas of improvement on a common platform, proactively determining their areas of development and planning training activities to fulfil those needs.


    Varlık Yönetim Şirketlerine Duyuru:

    Varlık Yönetim Şirketlerinin Kuruluş ve Faaliyet Esasları ile Devralınacak Alacaklara İlişkin İşlemler Hakkındaki Yönetmelik ve İlgili mevzuat hükümleri çerçevesinde Şirketimizin kanuni takipteki yaklaşık 5,3 milyon TL tutarındaki alacaklarının kapalı zarf usulü ile satışı planlanmaktadır. İhaleye iştirak edecek, teklif vermeye isteklilerin 12.12.2024 tarihine kadar gizlilik sözleşmesini imzalamak üzere şirket genel merkezine info@mngfaktoring.com adresine e-posta atarak müracaat etmeleri ilan olunur. Gizlilik sözleşmesinin imzalanmasının ardından, KVKK’ya uygun şekilde portföye ilişkin veri paylaşımında bulunulacaktır.

    Şirketimiz ihale sonunda gelecek tekliflere göre ihaleyi yapıp yapmamak konusunda tamamen serbesttir.


    MNG Faktoring A.Ş.
    İnönü Mah. Cumhuriyet Cad. No:91 34373 Elmadağ Şişli / İstanbul