As MNG Faktoring, we can offer you better service, you can reach your wishes and complaints.

Natural and legal persons who sell goods and services.
No, it is a financing method in which companies fulfil advance payments in return for assigned receivables.
There are two main costs in factoring;
Factoring Fees: Paid in cases where only financing services are used. Varies depending on market conditions, due dates and cost of funding.
Factoring Commissions: Paid in cases where warranty and collection services are used. Calculated using assigned receivables and varies according to transaction volume, quality and due date of receivables.
A Banking and Insurance Transaction Tax (BSMV) of 5% is charged from the factoring fee, factoring commission and other expenditures, if any, in domestic factoring transactions. There are no other applicable taxes.
The amount of receivables assigned to a factoring company are subtracted from the notes receivables in the balance sheet and liquidated, and cannot be shown as loans in the financial liabilities. This positively affects its liquidity ratio.
Factoring companies are transparent institutions that, like banks, are audited regularly by the BDDK (Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency) and MASAK (Financial Crimes Investigation Board), and operate within the framework of established legislation. Carrying out factoring transactions is an indication that a firm can also prefer alternative financing methods.
We don’t have any limitations regarding due dates and amounts. Transactions are assessed on an individual basis.
We do not abide by such criteria for transactions. Transactions are assessed on an individual basis.
As per the legislation that we are bound; factoring receivables need to be generated from the current or future sales of goods and services and must be documented with an invoice or a related document (business contract, order form, pro forma invoice).
Transactions may be made according to the conditions stated in the Communiqué on the Protection of Turkish Currency Value dated 06 October 2018.
Yes, invoices can be assigned without a payment tool.
Yes they can be. The power of attorney statement needs to be submitted to us during the transaction application period so that its legal suitability can be evaluated.
Yes, an invoice regarding the factoring fee, factoring commission and expenditures of the transaction will be issued and delivered to your company.

This is my first transaction:


For the transaction, submit the invoice and if available, your payment tool for the invoice (cheque and/or bond) to our nearest branch. They will visit you and collect the necessary information. Your request will be evaluated based on the information and documents that you provide. You will be notified of the result following the evaluation.Click here for an online application


My first transaction request has been approved. What documents do I need to prepare?


If you are a private company;

You must prepare the tax registration certificate, statement of signature and identity and residency certification of your business partner.


If you are a legal entity;

You must prepare the tax registration certificate, list of authorized signatures, trade registry gazette, certificate of good standing, and identity and residency certification of your business partner(s).


Which documents do I need to sign on my first transaction?


Factoring Agreement;

As per the legislation that we are bound, to carry out a factoring transaction, you must sign a factoring agreement within the limit frame that we have determined.


Click for the Factoring Contract example.


Click for the example of the Factoring Annex.


(NTR) Notification of Transfer of Receivable

The document which lists the invoices and cheques subject to assignment.


Click for the Receipt Notification Form example.


Payment Order

The document which specifies the account to which the funds will be transferred.


Please click here for a template of a Payment Order for Receivable Payments in TRY.


Please click here for a template of a Payment Order for Receivable Payments in a foreign currency.

Varlık Yönetim Şirketlerine Duyuru:

Varlık Yönetim Şirketlerinin Kuruluş ve Faaliyet Esasları ile Devralınacak Alacaklara İlişkin İşlemler Hakkındaki Yönetmelik ve İlgili mevzuat hükümleri çerçevesinde Şirketimizin kanuni takipteki yaklaşık 5,3 milyon TL tutarındaki alacaklarının kapalı zarf usulü ile satışı planlanmaktadır. İhaleye iştirak edecek, teklif vermeye isteklilerin 12.12.2024 tarihine kadar gizlilik sözleşmesini imzalamak üzere şirket genel merkezine info@mngfaktoring.com adresine e-posta atarak müracaat etmeleri ilan olunur. Gizlilik sözleşmesinin imzalanmasının ardından, KVKK’ya uygun şekilde portföye ilişkin veri paylaşımında bulunulacaktır.

Şirketimiz ihale sonunda gelecek tekliflere göre ihaleyi yapıp yapmamak konusunda tamamen serbesttir.


MNG Faktoring A.Ş.
İnönü Mah. Cumhuriyet Cad. No:91 34373 Elmadağ Şişli / İstanbul